10 May 2010

What have I been doing? Que tenho andado a fazer?

I haven't been here for a while, but it doesn't mean that my fingers and ideas have been shelved. On the contrary. I have been busy with 8 sets of activity cubes, for my friend in Mozambique. I would really like to show them but this time I can't. Anyway, 16 cubes with doors, different closures, different appliques, different fabrics and the list goes on,... I hope she'll be happy.

And I have finally spent time at the KLA. I lose track of time when there! Only when I felt a bit peckish did I realize that lunch had come and gone a long time ago. Made two pieces, and the third one will be finished soon.

I will be going to Portugal for a couple of weeks. The plan is to work towards a craft fair and hopefully find a space to make an exhibition. Will keep my fingers crossed. For that I will take my machines and some fabrics, threads, papers, zips... I am quite excited with the plan.

Tenho andado arredia, mas isso nao quer dizer que tenha posto na prateleira as minhas ideias ou os meus dedos tenham estado parados. Antes pelo contrario. Tenho andado a fazer 8 conjuntos de acti-cubos para a minha amiga em Mocambique. Gostava de poder mostra-los aqui, mas desta vez nao e possivel. Seja como for, sao 16 cubos, com diferentes portinholas duplas, fechos, apliques, tecidos... a lista e grande. Espero que ela goste.

E finalmente consegui trabalhar na KLA. Perco nocao do tempo quando la estou. No primeiro dia so quando dei por mim esfomeada e que reparei que a hora do almoco havia passado ha muito. Fiz duas pecas e a terceira acabarei brevemente.

Vou a Portugal por umas semanitas. O plano e trabalhar para uma feira de artesanato e se tudo correr bem, organizar uma exposicao. Fico cruzando os dedos. Levo comigo as minhas maquinetas , alguns tecidos, linhas, zips... Estou muito entusiasmada!

3 May 2010

Craft Fair / Feira de Artesanato

Yesterday was a nice day at the Fabrika Craft Fair. There was a constant stream of people. Part due to the other activities in place (the Writing Club and the final day for the Open Submissions of art work) and part due to the Craft Fair.
Nice stalls as well: The lovely cakes, this time placed by the cafe area, chunky crocheted bags and hats for little ones and grown ups, Beyond Bling (http://www.beyondbling.co.uk/) with the resin "invaders" pins and necklaces, excellent glass pieces by Katherine Wilson (http://www.number8glass.co.uk), Woodjewellery (http://woodjewellery.folksy.com), and lovelly hand made beads and jewellery.

Ontem foi um dia agradavel, na Feira de Artesanato da Fabrika. Em parte devido as outras actividades que estavam a acontecer: ultimo dia de entrega de pecas de arte, o clube de escritores; e em parte ao facto da Feira estar a criar nome.
De novo havia coisas bonitas: bolinhos deliciosos - desta vez ficaram na area do cafe; sacolas e chapeus em crochet para todas as idades; colares de resina de Beyond Bling( http://www.beyondbling.co.uk); excelentes e lindas pecas em vidro de Katherine Wilson (http://www.number8glass.co.uk); Woodjewellery (http://woodjewellery.folsky.com) e lindos colares e pulseiras de contas feitas a mao.