17 Feb 2011

Back again / De volta aqui

I've been busy with too many things, hence the silence.
Started with my home studio being flooded due to a pipe burst and so I had to evacuate everything out. Quite a few of my books were ruined. Agata and Maia were fantastic and it is thanks to them that I don't have more damages and losses.
I am now sharing a tiny space with Mark until my studio and his office are dry.
Meanwhile, Mark has designed and built me a frame for a light box, so I can start taking decent pictures of my crafts. It looks so professional.
I have just finished 4 fabric activity books (quiet book) and I'm in the process of making small lavender bags and felted purses.
I will post the pictures very soon, including the ones of my light box.

Tenho estado muito ocupada com muitas coisas, dai o silencio.
Comecando com o meu estudio que teve que ser todo evacuado porque um tubo de agua rebentou e alagou tudo. Perdi muitos livros, mas seriam ainda maiores as percas e danos se nao fossem a Agata e a Maia, mais a sua paciencia. Foram fantasticas!
Compartilho agora com Mark um espaco minusculo dentro de casa, ate o meu estudio e o seu escritorio estiverem consertados.
Entretanto, Mark desenhou e construiu uma caixa para as minhas fotografias (light box). Tem um ar muito professional.
Acabei de fazer 4 livros de pano (livro de actividades). Estou fazendo saquinhos de alfazema e bolsas de la felpada.
As fotos de tudo isto serao postas aqui dentro em breve.

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